Custom Software & eCommerce Development Company - Techies India Inc.

If time is money, how much is your current development team costing you?

Techies provides seamless integration with your team for software development that won't slow you down.

You get your time and bandwidth back.

The result? Profits go up. Projects get done.

Imagine how your business could grow with more sales and less stress.

  • Tata Communications
  • Shield Republic
  • Lamy Shop
  • CarLux Limo
  • Saddleman
  • iJura
  • CPD

You’ve been burned before.

Let's talk tech

By companies that over-promise and under-deliver.

We don’t do that here.

We work shoulder to shoulder with your team to increase capacity.

You can trust milestones to be met with excellence.

Our process is simple. Develop. Deliver. Delight. Every time.

Growth just got way easier.

Case Studies

Discover how Techies does more with your time, budget, and bandwidth.

eCommerce Development

Optimise. Expand. Magento, Shopify, & BigCommerce.

eCommerce Development Services

Mobile App Development

Custom web and mobile app development with exceptional UX.

Mobile App Development Services

Digital Marketing

Expand reach and increase revenue with exponential ROAS.

Digital Marketing Services

Don’t take our word for it...

You never settle.
Neither do we.

Partnering with prominent eCommerce platforms to provide optimum solutions.

We never stop learning so you’re always ahead of the game.

Techies makes it easy

Our mission? Simplify big things for your business.

How? High-quality work. A deep understanding of your business. Transparent communication.

We get to know your goals. Then we help get you there with less stress and more strategy.

We care about you as much as we care about each other.

See what makes Techies different
Team of Techies India Inc.